0512 MAGNETITE, The Pinnacles, Arkaroola, Flinders Ranges, South Aust., Australia September 28, 2019 Steve Australasia Australia South Australia Source C.Johnson, 1987
Europe Italy 4476 CASCANDITE, Oltrefiume Quarry, Baveno, Verbano-Cusio-Ossola Province, Piedmont, Italy September 28, 2019
Europe Greenland 4330 MURMANITE, Kvanefjeld Plateau, Ilimaussaq Complex, Narsaq, Kujalleq, Greenland September 28, 2019
Africa Democratic Republic of Congo 3167 SPHAEROCOBALTITE, Mashamba West Mine, Kolweizi District, Katanga, Democratic Republic of Congo September 28, 2019
North & Central Americas United States Utah 5558 HAYNESITE, Repete Mine, Blanding, San Juan County, Utah, U.S.A. September 28, 2019